Thursday, January 1, 2009

parcels: where they are

This (above) was the first site to let you pan and zoom around the state to see what the parcels look like, where they are available, where they're not, how they match at the edge of town - those sorts of things.  UT towns are black,  organized municipalities are red.  At this snapshot it only included towns that have received parcel grants and submitted their data to the GeoLibrary (and all UT towns).  It was only useful for generic viewing of geometry with some identifiers included. But was a start.

Over the ensuing two decades there has been considerable progress, and now these data are available through multiple map and feature services, as well as aggregated for bulk download.   As of late 2024, there are strong indications of approaching completeness... 

Maine Parcels

1 comment:

Suraj Purohit said...

Thats nice post ... love to read it and thanks for shearing it with us...